Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Close Call
How To Win An Election
Monday, June 23, 2008
Do you know what PUMA stands for? It means "Party Unity My Ass". There are hundreds of thousands of Hillary Clinton supporters who have formed a group and they are known as PUMA'S. The demographics of this group are not what the media gasbags would have you believe. They represent all members of society. I have linked to an article in slate magazine by Rebecca Traister in which she gives a brief introduction to the group.
I am not a PUMA, I would never vote for McBush, but personally I can relate to their grievances. Here is a website that has dozens of like-minded blogs listed.
I am not a PUMA, I would never vote for McBush, but personally I can relate to their grievances. Here is a website that has dozens of like-minded blogs listed.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
NOW'S Media Hall Of Shame
The National Organization for Women has a Media Hall of Shame site. It is very interesting. You can rate the nominees. Not surprisingly, NBC and MSNBC were the overall "winners".
Check It Out.
If you want to contact the moron who runs MSNBC, his contact information is here.
Phil Griffin -- MSNBC
Title: Executive Producer
Department: Hardball with Chris Matthews
Phone: (202) 783-2615
Fax: (202) 737-4986
Address: 400 N Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 2000
Check It Out.
If you want to contact the moron who runs MSNBC, his contact information is here.
Phil Griffin -- MSNBC
Title: Executive Producer
Department: Hardball with Chris Matthews
Phone: (202) 783-2615
Fax: (202) 737-4986
Address: 400 N Capitol St NW, Washington, DC 2000
First Lady?

The New Times Magazine has an article about Florida Governor Charlie "property taxes will drop like a rock" Crist. They discuss the rumors of him being asked by John McBush to be the first lady! NEW YORK TIMES
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
He May Need Clinton Now

Now that Senator Chris Dodd is the subject of a senate ethics inquiry, he may be having second thoughts about being so dismissive of Senator Clinton during the democratic primary. He was very vocal in insisting that Senator Clinton leave the primary race, even though she was winning State after State. He issued this order whenever a microphone was in front of him. Dodd is a big Obama supporter. Here is a snippet of some of his bullshit:
On health care: “The mismanagement of the effort in 1993 and 1994 has set back our ability to move toward universal health care immeasurably,” Dodd said. “We’ve known what the problems have been for nearly 15 years and what the solutions could be. What’s been missing is leadership that knows how to bring people together and get the job done.”
Senator Clinton has a lot more power now than she had before the primary. I hope she turns her back on this creep when he comes crawling for help. Let's hope there is such a thing as karma and that this hypocrite gets what's coming to him. Unfortunately, I think the ethics inquiry will be a sham and he will be exonerated. Yes, another example of "changing the way we do politics". Give me a break!
Selective Morality

Last week Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) found themselves having to explain their participation in a mortgage program that was not available to most of their constituents. Dodd stated he didn't understand, or know too much about the VIP loan he was given, which gave him "favorable rates". Dodd is ironically the chairman of the banking committee.
Republicans are pressing for a hearing about this and due to this and other pressure, the senate ethics committee will now look into this. However, Dodd and Conrad may not have done anything illegal. According to senate rules, senators do not have to disclose mortgage information. How convenient.
Politico did a survey of many senators, regarding their mortgages, the results are in the attached link. They will update the survey when they get more responses. Here is the Politico Article.
Throw The Bums Out!

In the era of "a new kind of politics", we have a glaring example of the "old kind of politics". It seems Rep. James Clyburn of S.C., an Obama supporter, has earmarked approximately $6.2 million dollars for projects that will benefit his immediate family and some friends. The article is here: Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Crist COMES OUT in favor of drilling
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Pathetic Media
Chris Matthews was interviewed following Tim Russert's death. He let slip a revealing anecdote. He informed us that Russert was 100% behind invading Iraq, because he thought Iraq might have a nuclear bomb! It appears Russert took the Bush/Cheney bait -- hook; line and sinker! If only he had "investigated" or "interviewed" some of the U.N. weapons inspectors such as Hans Blix or Scott Ritter, who stated repeatedly that Iraq did not have the capability of making a nuclear device.
Why interview people and give an objective report, it's easier just to repeat what the Administration is telling you.
Sloppy! Sloppy! Sloppy!
The video is long, but the relevant anecdote is about 1:10 minutes into it. Video
Why interview people and give an objective report, it's easier just to repeat what the Administration is telling you.
Sloppy! Sloppy! Sloppy!
The video is long, but the relevant anecdote is about 1:10 minutes into it. Video
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Little-Dick Cheney Wrong Again

Little-Dick Cheney is wrong again. I often wonder if he ever gets tired of being wrong. Today's blooper comes from a recent statement that he made, stating that China was drilling for oil off the coast of Cuba, (while those fucking idiots in Florida, who don't deserve a vote, won't let Little-Dick and his pals drill for oil). Read the accompanying article, if you must.
Obama And DNC Want My Money
I keep getting emails from the DNC asking me to send them money for Obama's election campaign. If I give money to the DNC will it help pay for Howard Dean and Prima Donna Brazille's salary? Let me see ... they begrudgingly gave me 1/2 a vote, when it was too late to count, and now they want me to send them money. Too funny. Let's hope they hold their breath while they wait for my check.
Science News
This is just a coincidence, but yesterday marked the first day that Gay Americans could legally get married in California. Then a study done in Sweden was published that showed differences in brain activity of homosexual and heterosexual people. Here is the link to the newspaper article: Brain Activity.
I'm sure the McBush campaign will debunk these findings. They will reiterate that homosexuality is NOT biological. Gay people are gay because they like to be discriminated against -- everybody knows that!
I'm sure the McBush campaign will debunk these findings. They will reiterate that homosexuality is NOT biological. Gay people are gay because they like to be discriminated against -- everybody knows that!
Pelosi Capitulates -- Again!
House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has instructed the members of the house of representatives to settle the matter of FISA before the 4th of July recess. She has said she wants a bill that the President will sign!! Are you kidding me? Why is she in this position? She will NOT pursue impeachment. Now, she is granting Bush, et al, complete immunity for breaking the law in regards to the illegal wire-tapping of American citizens. Please Cindy Sheehan -- take this woman out of politics. I'm sure she could get a cushy job from George Bush.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wexler wants position in Obama administration
In an article from the Miami Herald on Monday, Robert Wexler reveals why he is such an ardent Obama supporter: Wexler has been rewarded with access to the candidate's inner circle, frequent-flyer miles to Jewish communities from Iowa to Ohio, and an advisory post on Middle East policy.
Last week, Wexler sat in the front row when Obama addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. "I want to be a congressman with a friend in the White House.'' These are some of the reasons Wexler ignored the wishes of his constituents and endorsed Obama. At the time he said that his brain oftentimes knows better than people who voted him into office and that's why he ignored his constituents.
This creep has overstayed his welcome!
Miami Herald
Last week, Wexler sat in the front row when Obama addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. "I want to be a congressman with a friend in the White House.'' These are some of the reasons Wexler ignored the wishes of his constituents and endorsed Obama. At the time he said that his brain oftentimes knows better than people who voted him into office and that's why he ignored his constituents.
This creep has overstayed his welcome!
Miami Herald
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Kucinich Introduces Articles Of Impeachment
Dennis Kucinich has introduced 35 articles of impeachment, I won't list all of them but here are a few:
Article #12: "Bush violated his oath of office by invading Iraq to obtain control of its natural resources.
Article #15: "Providing immunity from prosecution to military contractors in Iraq.
Article #24: "Spying on American citizens without a court-ordered warrant, in violation of the law and in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
GO DENNIS! (I knew he should have been President). This is big news -- it is 9:45 am on Tuesday morning and not a word of this news is on CNN or any of the other comedy shows.
Article #12: "Bush violated his oath of office by invading Iraq to obtain control of its natural resources.
Article #15: "Providing immunity from prosecution to military contractors in Iraq.
Article #24: "Spying on American citizens without a court-ordered warrant, in violation of the law and in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
GO DENNIS! (I knew he should have been President). This is big news -- it is 9:45 am on Tuesday morning and not a word of this news is on CNN or any of the other comedy shows.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Perspective from Great Britain
This is a link to an article by Nigel Willmott, in today's Guardian newspaper in England. He makes his observations of the recent primary race, "from a broad", so to speak. He points out the obvious bias in the so-called media (what an ironic name).
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Al Hunt On Sexism

Al Hunt wrote an article for Bloomberg, in which he tells us that sexism had nothing to do with Hillary not winning the primary. He didn't mention what makes him such an expert on sexism, other than he went to see Sex In The City recently. It shows how ingrained sexism is in our society, when the pundits who control the microphones are oblivious to their own culpability. I sent him the link to the previous video.
This is the article.
I emailed Al Hunt, this is what I said. "You haven't got a clue about sexism. I love it when men say there is no such thing as sexism."
He replied with. "i don't for a moment think there is no such thing as sexism; it is pervasive. what i did say in this race between a woman and an african american, sen clinton did not lose this race because of gender."
Yep -- he's clueless!
This is the article.
I emailed Al Hunt, this is what I said. "You haven't got a clue about sexism. I love it when men say there is no such thing as sexism."
He replied with. "i don't for a moment think there is no such thing as sexism; it is pervasive. what i did say in this race between a woman and an african american, sen clinton did not lose this race because of gender."
Yep -- he's clueless!
Why Hillary Lost The Primary
These dangerous idiots in the main stream press need to go. We should boycott the advertisers and get these creeps off the TV.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Polls Still Show Hillary Beating McBush
This article from the New York Times reiterates what other polls are showing, if the election were held today Hillary would beat McCain, but McCain would beat Obama.
New York Times
These polls will change as we get closer to the election, but it begs the question -- what were the super delegates thinking? If their goal was to win the election, why would they invite any amount of risk by choosing Obama when all indications show that Hillary would have been a slam dunk?
New York Times
These polls will change as we get closer to the election, but it begs the question -- what were the super delegates thinking? If their goal was to win the election, why would they invite any amount of risk by choosing Obama when all indications show that Hillary would have been a slam dunk?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Breaking News ...
BREAKING NEWS: CNN reports that gas stations will now start showing porn at the pump, so you can see someone else get screwed at the same time you are.
Healing The Party
I heard something hilarious on the television yesterday. "How can the Democratic Party heal after this primary?" One of the pundits said it could only be done by Hillary Clinton and her supporters! What a joke. It is the likes of Ed Schultz; Randy Rhodes; Daily Kos and the Huffington Post -- so called Liberals, that have ripped this party in two. It's all very well supporting and encouraging your candidate, but as we have seen this year, the tactics used by these people to promote their chosen candidate may have a detrimental effect in November.
I stopped reading the aforementioned blogs, because of their skewed "reporting" and sins of omission. As for the other two blowhards, I find them beneath contempt. They bring NOTHING to the discussion.
Do any of these people have a responsibility to heal the party? Will any of these people take one iota of responsibility if Obama loses the election? I think not. If anything untoward happens they will inevitably blame Hillary Clinton and/or her supporters. It reminds me of the Bush administration -- totally stupid and not willing to take responsibility for their actions.
I stopped reading the aforementioned blogs, because of their skewed "reporting" and sins of omission. As for the other two blowhards, I find them beneath contempt. They bring NOTHING to the discussion.
Do any of these people have a responsibility to heal the party? Will any of these people take one iota of responsibility if Obama loses the election? I think not. If anything untoward happens they will inevitably blame Hillary Clinton and/or her supporters. It reminds me of the Bush administration -- totally stupid and not willing to take responsibility for their actions.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Associated Press Used By Obama Campaign
This morning the AP reported, without citing sources, that Senator Clinton will concede the primary this evening. This was immediately denied by the Clinton campaign. It seems that the AP has been used by an individual or a group in an effort to suppress voter turnout. The Obama camp has used tactics of this kind before. This is anothe example of them unifying the party, or perhaps it's an example of how they would not resort to dirty tricks!
Robert Wexler's Town Hall Meeting
Robert Wexler held a Town Hall meeting last night at the Boca Lago Country Club. There were about 400 of his loyal constituents there, mostly over 65 years of age. He started by praising himself for his performance at the DNC rules meeting on Saturday. He said he will urge Senator Obama to seat ALL of the Florida delegates in Denver. At this point I shouted out "it's too late then" and some other people followed suit. He ignored us. He continued to filibuster about the war in Iraq, republicans, etc., etc.
After half an hour of his b.s. he said he would take questions. The first lady pointed out that his constituents voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, yet he endorsed Obama, she wanted to know why he would go against his constituents wishes. He had the audacity to say that because he is a politician he will often listen to his brain instead of his constituents. How arrogant! I got to speak, I reminded him that he was elected by the people of Florida and that his first allegiance is to the people of Florida, not Barack Obama. I said his appearance before the DNC rules meeting on Saturday was disgraceful. During the meeting he was asked if he would like all of Florida's delegates to be seated and he replied, "no -- you must penalize Florida for breaking the rules". At this point I started getting booed by many and applause from a few. I told the audience not to take my word for it, but to verify his words on youtube. I asked why he did not want all of Florida's delegates seated. He then started his famous shouting and said he did a fabulous job getting half the delegates counted, because when he walked into the meeting we had none! He then surprisingly, blamed the Florida Democratic State Legislators for causing this debacle. This surprised me, because there were one or two aspiring State Senators in the audience. Again, he stated that he will urge Obama to seat all of the delegates in Denver. I again reminded him that this was too late to represent the wishes of the people of Florida.
Considering this jerk claims to use his brain, it has failed him miserably in this election. Obama will not carry Florida. I like Obama and I want a democrat in the White house, however, all the signs point to McCain. Wexler should have covered his sorry ass, there will be fallout from his arrogance.
Hopefully, when he is up for re-election, he will get half of the votes and we'll see how he likes it.
After half an hour of his b.s. he said he would take questions. The first lady pointed out that his constituents voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, yet he endorsed Obama, she wanted to know why he would go against his constituents wishes. He had the audacity to say that because he is a politician he will often listen to his brain instead of his constituents. How arrogant! I got to speak, I reminded him that he was elected by the people of Florida and that his first allegiance is to the people of Florida, not Barack Obama. I said his appearance before the DNC rules meeting on Saturday was disgraceful. During the meeting he was asked if he would like all of Florida's delegates to be seated and he replied, "no -- you must penalize Florida for breaking the rules". At this point I started getting booed by many and applause from a few. I told the audience not to take my word for it, but to verify his words on youtube. I asked why he did not want all of Florida's delegates seated. He then started his famous shouting and said he did a fabulous job getting half the delegates counted, because when he walked into the meeting we had none! He then surprisingly, blamed the Florida Democratic State Legislators for causing this debacle. This surprised me, because there were one or two aspiring State Senators in the audience. Again, he stated that he will urge Obama to seat all of the delegates in Denver. I again reminded him that this was too late to represent the wishes of the people of Florida.
Considering this jerk claims to use his brain, it has failed him miserably in this election. Obama will not carry Florida. I like Obama and I want a democrat in the White house, however, all the signs point to McCain. Wexler should have covered his sorry ass, there will be fallout from his arrogance.
Hopefully, when he is up for re-election, he will get half of the votes and we'll see how he likes it.
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