Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Robert Wexler's Town Hall Meeting

Robert Wexler held a Town Hall meeting last night at the Boca Lago Country Club. There were about 400 of his loyal constituents there, mostly over 65 years of age. He started by praising himself for his performance at the DNC rules meeting on Saturday. He said he will urge Senator Obama to seat ALL of the Florida delegates in Denver. At this point I shouted out "it's too late then" and some other people followed suit. He ignored us. He continued to filibuster about the war in Iraq, republicans, etc., etc.

After half an hour of his b.s. he said he would take questions. The first lady pointed out that his constituents voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, yet he endorsed Obama, she wanted to know why he would go against his constituents wishes. He had the audacity to say that because he is a politician he will often listen to his brain instead of his constituents. How arrogant! I got to speak, I reminded him that he was elected by the people of Florida and that his first allegiance is to the people of Florida, not Barack Obama. I said his appearance before the DNC rules meeting on Saturday was disgraceful. During the meeting he was asked if he would like all of Florida's delegates to be seated and he replied, "no -- you must penalize Florida for breaking the rules". At this point I started getting booed by many and applause from a few. I told the audience not to take my word for it, but to verify his words on youtube. I asked why he did not want all of Florida's delegates seated. He then started his famous shouting and said he did a fabulous job getting half the delegates counted, because when he walked into the meeting we had none! He then surprisingly, blamed the Florida Democratic State Legislators for causing this debacle. This surprised me, because there were one or two aspiring State Senators in the audience. Again, he stated that he will urge Obama to seat all of the delegates in Denver. I again reminded him that this was too late to represent the wishes of the people of Florida.

Considering this jerk claims to use his brain, it has failed him miserably in this election. Obama will not carry Florida. I like Obama and I want a democrat in the White house, however, all the signs point to McCain. Wexler should have covered his sorry ass, there will be fallout from his arrogance.

Hopefully, when he is up for re-election, he will get half of the votes and we'll see how he likes it.

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