Now that Senator Chris Dodd is the subject of a senate ethics inquiry, he may be having second thoughts about being so dismissive of Senator Clinton during the democratic primary. He was very vocal in insisting that Senator Clinton leave the primary race, even though she was winning State after State. He issued this order whenever a microphone was in front of him. Dodd is a big Obama supporter. Here is a snippet of some of his bullshit:
On health care: “The mismanagement of the effort in 1993 and 1994 has set back our ability to move toward universal health care immeasurably,” Dodd said. “We’ve known what the problems have been for nearly 15 years and what the solutions could be. What’s been missing is leadership that knows how to bring people together and get the job done.”
Senator Clinton has a lot more power now than she had before the primary. I hope she turns her back on this creep when he comes crawling for help. Let's hope there is such a thing as karma and that this hypocrite gets what's coming to him. Unfortunately, I think the ethics inquiry will be a sham and he will be exonerated. Yes, another example of "changing the way we do politics". Give me a break!
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