Saturday, May 31, 2008

Obama -- Don't Count Florida!

Well, here he goes again! In the interest of "uniting the country and the party" hypocrite Obama is again saying "DON'T COUNT FLORIDA"! His shill -- Robert Wexler made his case for him. What a joke! He must be supremely confident about the general election, because he will be going without the electoral votes of Florida.

Robert Wexler Must Go!

I have just watched Robert Wexler at the DNC rules meeting. This guy is a disgrace! He is a representative for Florida, yet he is in front of this committee arguing that they should only give Florida half of their delegates. This is outrageous. He is putting Barack Obama in front of his constituents. A big mistake that politicians make is that they forget the master that they serve. Barack Obama did not elect Wexler, the voters of Florida did. Let's hope they elect him right out of the door in the next election. This guy is a joke. He is holding a Town Hall meeting next Monday, I will be there.

Friday, May 30, 2008

DNC RULZ Meeting

C-SPAN will cover the DNC rules meeting tomorrow, Saturday 31st May, starting at 9:30 AM. Personally, I will be watching to see how they justify giving Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada a waiver to hold their primaries before February 5th, yet they Penalized Florida and Michigan for doing the same thing. According to the rules, if waivers are to be granted they have to be granted before the primary is held. In all of the cases cited above, the waivers were granted after the primary was held. It is clear to everyone who has been following this debacle, that the DNC used the rules arbitrarily. Howard Dean and his idiotic cohorts have made a complete balls-up of this primary. The confusion, disilusion and anger that their stupid decisions have generated, could cost us the general election.

A blog I enjoy reading is They have a wealth of information regarding the DNC rules.

Father Michael Pfleger, Obama's Buddy

WOW! Doesn't this just fill you with the love of God? How come all of Obama's associates dislike people who are not like them? Obama has known this guy for twenty years.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

John Bolton escapes citizen's arrest

Journalist George Monbiot, failed in his attempt to make a citizen's arrest on John Bolton. Bolton was flanked by two large security guards, who prevented Monbiot from serving a "charge sheet" to Bolton. The alleged war criminal sped away in a waiting car.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Citizens Arrest for John Bolton

John Bolton, the former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.,will be addressing an audience at the Hay Festival in Wales this evening, 5/28/08. George Monbiot, a journalist is planning to make a citizens arrest, on the grounds that Bolton is a war criminal. He charges that Mr Bolton was "instrumental in preparing and initiating the Iraq war by disseminating false claims through the State Department" while he was under-secretary of state for arms control.

Mr Monbiot said he had formally notified police of his intention of performing a citizen's arrest. He said: "This is the one opportunity we have, because he is mingling with the public, which doesn't happen very often."

What is a Citizens Arrest? In the United Kingdom it is defined as follows:

“Section 24A of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 permits any citizen to "arrest without a warrant ... anyone whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be guilty" of an offence.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Obama-Fleming Ticket

Presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, flew to Miami today to offer Eileen Fleming the Vice Presidential spot. We understand Fleming turned down the position, due to her belligerent Hillary loving sisters. Sources close to the Obama camp report that he is crushed.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Majority of Votes Don't Count

I am a Hillary Clinton supporter. She won Florida handily. The DNC decided it would be better for the party if they did not count Florida and Michigan's votes. The DNC is made up of people who couldn't find their ass with both hands. Hillary argues that she has won more votes, this is indisputable, however ... this was never the measure of a "win".

Hillary won Florida by 294,772 votes.
Hillary won Michigan by 328,309 votes
Hillary won 150,000 more votes than Obama last night in Kentucky and Oregon. She won Kentucky by 249,224 votes while Obama won Oregon by 102,144 votes.
Let's add it all up:
Popular Vote Totals (w/FL & MI)Hillary leads by 174,047 votes (.48%.)
Popular Vote Totals (w/FL & MI and Estimate w/IA, NV, ME, WA): Hillary leads by 63,825 votes (.18%)

The stated goal was to win more delegates than the other guy. John Kerry lost the last election because he lost Ohio by approximately 170,000 votes. Yet, if he had won Ohio then he would have won the election by virtue of the electoral votes, but Shit-For-Brains Bush had won 3 million more popular votes than Kerry, doesnt matter -- Kerry would have won!

The good thing about this tight race is that it has shed light on this ridiculous system. We all now know about Super Delegates and proportional division of pledged delegates. Even if you lose a state by the popular vote, you can still pick up more pledged delegates depending on which counties you won , this is such bullshit. The candidates spend a full year campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire -- give me a break! This whole election has been a giant cock-up by the DNC. We have had eight years of an administration that does not take responsiblity for anything! I am tired of this and I don't want the Democratic Party emulating the GOP, therefore Howard Dean must take full responsibility for this fiasco. The buck must stop somewhere.

We have four years to change the way we elect our nominees. This is my proposal: All 50 states vote for the Democratic Presidential Nominee on the same day. The candidates could spend six months campaiging, possibly visiting every state in the union. If any, or all of the candidates choose to spend their whole six months in Iowa -- good for them! Whoever gets the most votes wins! what a concept!

Let me know what you think.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Women (Hillary) Should Know Their Place!

If only Hillary Clinton had remembered she is a woman and should not have had the audacity to think she could be the President. The media were correct -- women should know their place.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Touch Screen Voting

This is a video from the Broward County Democrats, here in No-Vote Florida. One of the many reasons Florida changed their primary date, was so we could get rid of the corrupt and hackable touch-screen voting machines. This was a noble and correct decision, however, dumb-ass Howard Dean and the rest of the inept DNC didn't agree and instead of congratulating the Florida Democratic Legislator, they punished them. What idiots! We can breathe a sigh of relief that Howard Dean did not get far in his quest for the Whitehouse.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Electoral Map

Here are a couple of links to a website that is displaying current state by state polling for the general election. Admittedly, it is very early to make these predictions, however Hillary is clearly ahead in the states that matter.

Obama Electoral Map

Clinton Electoral Map

Thursday, May 15, 2008

James Hannagan on Count Every Vote

Hey DNC listen up! Count our votes, or you won't get them when you need tehm.

And now the rest of the news ...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where Is Elizabeth Edwards?

Elizabeth Edwards was conspicuously absent today, when her husband endorsed Obama. She had said in the recent past that Hillary's health care plan was much better than Obama's. Let's hope she endorses Hillary.

Red State Update:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hillary Wins West Virginia

As expected, Hillary kicks ass and wins West Virginia!

A Message to Hillary from Winston Churchill

Never give up, never give up, never ever ever give up!

Gotta Love Those British Dogs

Simon Cowell has found his soul mate!

Can Hillary Get The Nomination

The pundits and the press insist that the democratic primary race is over. Why is Hillary Clinton still campaigning? There are several factors to consider. Right now Obama is ahead by approximately 180 delegates. If Florida and Michigan's delegates are counted, Hillary picks up about 70 delegates. The next 6 primaries should give Hillary another 20. This means there is only a difference of 90 delegates between them. There are approximately 205 superdelegates yet to vote. If they determine that Hillary has the better chance of beating McCain, they are at liberty to vote for her. If Florida and Michigan do not get a say in who the nominee is, Obama wins the primary, but loses Florida in the general election. Florida has 27 electoral votes.

Bill O'Reilly Goes Nuts!

No wonder the religious right love hime!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Almost Heaven ... West Virginia

This is a Hillbilly-Mobile, it belongs to Grechen Baer's from Fayetteville, West Virginia. Hillary is campaigning in W.V.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States

57 States? He must be including the states of Euphoria and Delusion.

Sunday Morning Gasbags!

This week, hundreds of thousands of people died due to a cyclone Burma. 19 killed in the US last night by tornadoes. The country is at "war". Gas is nearly $4 a gallon -- and all these gasbags will talk about is what color pantsuit Hillary Clinton is wearing. Why don't they give me a show on Sunday morning?

Somehow ... I don't think so!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Reporters or Repeaters?

The mainstream media have no credibility. MSNBC is the worst. Russert spouts his "predictions" -- who asked ya? Matthews is a joke (have you seen his new RED hair!!), Oberman is an Obama surrogate. Where is the objectivity? Where is the REPORTING? They are now officially worst than Faux News. Where can we go to get news without the infusion of opinion, or conjecture? NPR and PBS seems like our last hope.

Is it time for a third political party?

Hillary Clinton should start a viable third political party. The Democratic National Committee is inept. The rules are ridiculous and serve no-one. Jesse Ventura has stated publicly that he believes we need a third party -- he could be Hillary's running mate. The times has come.

Post your comments below.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The results of the primaries in Indiana and North Carolina were quite a surprise. Obama beat the spread in both contests. It's difficult to see how Hillary can win now. We now from recent history that the nominee is not always the best candidate -- Kerry! I still think Hillary would be the better President; she has experience -- he has very little. She has specifics -- he has hope. Personally, I think Pelosi wants Obama in the Whitehouse so she can tell him what to do, she obviously could not tell Hillary what to do. I think we have a little quid pro quo here with Pelosi and Obama.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rudy 911-ani wants to be First Lady


This is an interesting article, a Brazilian artist named Icaro Doria did a graphical display using flags to display some disturbing data. Check out the link: MEET THE WORLD

Monday, May 5, 2008

Obama won't vote for me.

This morning on CNN, Senator Obama reiterated that Florida and Michigan's primary results should NOT count! He said the rules have to be followed and both of these states should have no say in who the democratic nominee is. If Obama is the nominee, no doubt he will campaign in both of these states and have the gall to ask for our votes.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nancy Pelosi Rubber Chicken

This is an ad for Shirley Golub, who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for her seat in Congress. She is calling Pelosi out for being spineless about Iraq; Impeachment and Torture.
You Go Shirely!

Amy Winehouse - Rehab YES! YES! YES!

Where in the World is Guam?

Obama was expected to win Guam by a big margin, unfortunately that did not happen. He did win - but by just 7 votes! This seems unbelievble. There will be a recount because of the small margin and approximately 50 ballots were damaged. So, Obama will get the win and pick up one more superdelegate, but this is really a win for Hillary. Not that I'm biased!

Hillary Has Balls

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tuesday Predictions

Here are my predictions for next Tuesday:
Indiana: Hillary wins by 10 points.
North Carolina: Big upset -- Hillary wins by 5 points.
Stay tuned.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Watch out Granma

"I can no more disown him [Jeremiah Wright] than I can disown my white grandmother."

-- Barack Obama, Philadelphia, March 18

Test Your Knowledge

This is a fun test of your civics knowledge ... or lack thereof!