Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bush's Many Crimes

Slate Magazine has put together an interactive chart, listing many of The Bush Administrations crimes. Check it out (if you can stomach it).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Larry Craig: Jerk My Gas Nozzle

Too Funny! Everything is phallic with this guy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bush Claims Executive Privilege Over CIA Leak

Idiot Boy Bush has claimed executive privilege to prevent him and Cheney from answering questions regarding the Valerie Plame outing. If these clowns did nothing wrong, then what do they have to hide? Read the article here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Waiting For Prima Donna To Quit

Remember last February when Donna Brazile said the following: "If 795 of my colleagues decide this election, I will quit the Democratic Party. I feel very strongly about this," Donna Brazile told CNN this week.

Well, your colleagues did decide the election. When are you going to quit?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

War Brides

This is a slide show from the N.Y. Times, of war brides that came to the U.S. from Great Britain after WWII. New York Times.

Solar Panels Used For Windows

Scientists are using a new type of solar panel for windows. Read the story here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

George W. Bush Sewage Plant

The good people of San Francisco want to name their new sewage plant the George W. Bush Sewage Plant, in honor of our great President. I hope the sewage won't be offended.

Bill Nelson

Democratic Senator Bill Nelson, who represents the sorry State of Florida, where I reside, voted for the unconstitutional FISA bill. We don't get to vote in Florida, now we don't get a constitution. What gives Bill?

Another Reverend -- Another Apology

Today, the Reverend Jesse Jackson was being interviewed by Faux News, he thought the microphone was off (sure he did), when he shared this thought about Obama, "He's talking down to the black community, I'd like to cut his nuts off". Jackson then went on CNN to express his sincere regrets.

Personally, I'm glad I don't know any reverends ... they're mean bastards!

We Need A Second Party!

Today, the Senate passed the unconstitutional FISA bill by 69 to 28. Naturally, the Democrats gave Bush everything he wanted. Wouldn't it be nice if we had two political parties, instead of one?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

McBush Gets Testy And Lies (I don't believe it)!

McBush is asked a question from a military veteran about the G.I. healthcare bill. McBush doesn't answer the question, instead he fillibuster's; blows smoke. When the question is repeated -- he blows his top. This is great entertainment.

The Land Of The Free?

This is rich -- right after "Independence" Day. Enough said!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Remember This

It apparently didn't hurt Charlie when he ran for Guv'ner. Let's hope it doesn't hurt him when he runs for V.P. hee hee.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Late Term Abortions

There is a lot of good information available about late-term abortions. I have posted a diary from Daily Kos that addresses many of the questions regarding this procedure. The post is short and to the point. Information

Flip-Flopping The Recent Flip-Flop

WOW! My head is spinning with all these flip-flops. After stating last Thursday that he did not agree with the mental health exception in regard to late-term abortions, Obama is now saying his comments were misconstrued! Here is his confusing clarification!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Charlie Crist To Get Married???

How can Charlie Crist get married? Gay people are not allowed to marry in Florida. Gee ... you'd think he would know that -- being the guv'ner and all. Read All About It.

Destroying Hillary Clinton

There was an interesting article this week in the British newspaper The Guardian. The two authors discuss how many Obama supporting bloggers, journalists, talking heads, etc., adopted the strategies of the right wing to vilify Hillary Clinton during the primary. They were disgusted when the right wing did this to Clinton in the 90's, but they figured -- hey it might work for us now. If you can stomach it, the article is in two parts.

Part One.

Part Two.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Meet The New Boss -- Same As The Old Boss

A political action committee (PAC) is circulating this video, even though Obama vowed to keep religion out of the general election. Let's look at some of the positions Senator Obama has taken in the past week, that are directly opposite of the majority opinion of voters in the democratic party:
2. Moveon.Org
3. Extending the death penalty.
4. Extending the federal government's involvement with religious groups.

He has given the finger to the activists and voters who made him the nominee. Some argue that he is doing this for political expediency, Hello -- didn't Obama run on the premise of being a new kind of politician who wanted to change the way business is done in Washington. In fact, that was what he cited as Clinton's flaw, she was a politician who oftentimes made decisions for political expediency. Wow! What have we let ourselves in for?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Olberman's Pathetic Flip-Flop

MSNBC's gasbag -- Keith Olberman, vigorously defended Obama's flip-flop on FISA. Now, after he has read negative posts on Daily Kos and The Huffington Post, plus heard the chorus of disapproval from conscientious liberals, he himself has now flip-flopped. He now says that Senator Obama should vote against the FISA bill. What shallow, pathetic figures these media gasbags are. Why can't we get people on the TV with even half a brain? It would be a big advancement.