Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Meet The New Boss -- Same As The Old Boss

A political action committee (PAC) is circulating this video, even though Obama vowed to keep religion out of the general election. Let's look at some of the positions Senator Obama has taken in the past week, that are directly opposite of the majority opinion of voters in the democratic party:
2. Moveon.Org
3. Extending the death penalty.
4. Extending the federal government's involvement with religious groups.

He has given the finger to the activists and voters who made him the nominee. Some argue that he is doing this for political expediency, Hello -- didn't Obama run on the premise of being a new kind of politician who wanted to change the way business is done in Washington. In fact, that was what he cited as Clinton's flaw, she was a politician who oftentimes made decisions for political expediency. Wow! What have we let ourselves in for?

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